Alberta Mountain Forests (NA0501)

As the name implies, this ecoregion essentially covers the Alberta portion of the Rocky Mountains east of the provincial border, including iconic parks such as Jasper and Banff. At its northern tip however it does extend slightly into British Columbia in the area of Kakwa Provincial Park. The southern tip of the ecoregion is at Mt. Joffre on the provincial border.


Description of the Ecoregion

A detailed description of the ecoregion can be found at WWF’s site (the map above is a screen shot from that Wildfinder site). There may also be additional information to be found on this ecoregion’s page at Wikipedia.

Briefly, the ecoregion is characterized by… [under construction]

Birds of the Ecoregion

The avifauna of the ecoregion… [under construction].

Although no bird species are endemic to this ecoregion, the following are noteworthy as being quite characteristic of the ecoregion and relatively difficult to see in other ecoregions:

[list under construction]

Resources for the Ecoregion Birder

Without any pretense to completeness, the following resources have caught my attention and would be of value to the birder traveling to this ecoregion:

  • Cannings, Russell and Richard Cannings, 2013. Bird finding in British Columbia. Greystone Books (see review at This guide should have good information on the BC portion of the ecoregion.


9 spp. (Aug. 1, 2014)

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