Hawaii Tropical High Shrublands (OC0701)

The ecoregion is exclusive to the US state of Hawaii and is restricted to a small area on the island of Maui and to three disjunct patches on the island of Hawaii.

Adjacent ecoregions include the following: i) Hawaii Tropical Dry Forests (OC0202), which completely surround the ecoregion on the island of Hawaii and almost completely on Maui; and ii) Hawaii Tropical Moist Forests (OC0106), which adjoins the ecoregion on Maui to the north and east.


Description of the Ecoregion

A detailed description of the ecoregion can be found at WWF’s site (the map above is a screen shot from that Wildfinder site). There may also be additional information to be found on this ecoregion’s page at Wikipedia.

As described by WWF, the ecoregion includes open shrublands, subalpine and alpine grasslands, and alpine deserts. The upper slopes of the high volcanoes, Mauna kea, Mauna loa, Hualalai, and Haleakala, support shrubland habitats. Subalpine grasslands are dominated by tussock-forming species. On the highest peaks, cold and dry conditions create alpine deserts inhabited by silversword (Agryroxiphium sandwicense), Dubautia spp., and other alpine-adapted plants.

Birds of the Ecoregion

The Hawaiian Goose (Branta sandvicensis) lives in high shrubland areas, and endangered Hawaiian Petrels nest in burrows in subalpine and alpine cinderlands.

Bird species that could be seen in the Hawaii Tropical High Shrublands ecoregion could perhaps include many of the species in the list for Hawaii (see under Hawaii Tropical Low Shrublands) that are noted as being in drier or grassy areas (and perhaps even some forest species).  However, the species below are those that seem to be most characteristic of the unusual high-altitude habitats of this ecoregion.

  • Hawaiian Goose (r) (Maui, Hawaii)
  • Black Francolin (r) (Maui and Hawaii)
  • Erckel’s Francolin (r) (Maui and Hawaii)
  • Chukar (r) (Maui and Hawaii)
  • Hawaiian Petrel (s) (Maui and Hawaii)
  • Bristle-thighed Curlew (m) (rare visitor, Hawaii)
  • Omao (r) (Hawaii only)