Atlantic Mixed Forests (PA0402)

Blogs posted from this ecoregion:

  • TBD (Date)

Wikipedia states that “it extends along the western edge of continental Europe, from southwestern France through northern France, Belgium, the Netherlands, northwestern Germany, and western Denmark. Most of the region’s forests and dunes have been converted to fields, pastures, and forest plantations, and its once-extensive wetlands have mostly been drained and filled.”

Adjacent ecoregions, include, beginning in the north and proceeding clockwise, xxx in eastern Denmark, xx in southeastern German, to the east in Germany and France the Western European Broadleaf Forests (PA0445), a very small overlap in the south with the xxx, and finally, xx in northwestern Spain.

Description of the Ecoregion

Wikipedia notes that “mixed oak forests are typical, with Quercus robur, Betula pendula and Betula pubescens prevalent on acidic soils, and Q. robur and Fagus sylvatica on other soils. In the southern portion of the ecoregion Quercus petraea and Q. pubescens are also present. In the northern part of the ecoregion Abies alba also occurs. Pinus pinaster grows naturally on sandy soils, and has been planted extensively to stabilize dunes, along with Pinus sylvestris. Heathlands dominated by Calluna vulgaris, Ulex and Juniperus communis occur in coastal areas subject to wind and salt spray. Substantial areas of the German, Danish and Dutch parts of the ecoregion used to be covered with extensive bogs, which now have been mostly destroyed for agriculture.

Birds of the Ecoregion

The avifauna of the ecoregion is TBD.

Resources for the Ecoregion Birder

The following resources have caught my attention and would be of value to the birder traveling to this ecoregion:

  • TBD


DJG: xx spp. (July 11, 2015)